Assessment of Dissolved Heavy Metal Pollution in Five Provinces of Zambia


Zambia’s economy is hinged on mining activities with Cu being the main metal. Zn and Pb were mined at one point in Kabwe town. There are also known deposits of Co and Mn. The study focused on comparing heavy metal pollution from different regions across Zambia with a view of determining the impact of the stage of social development and economic activities on the environment. The water analysed was obtained near dump sites,farmlands, pit latrines, water reservoirs or dams, major rivers and small streams that traverse Lusaka city and towns in the Copperbelt,and water from several public taps. Analysis revealed that Mn was the largest pollution factor study areas; groundwater both near illegal dumpsites and on-site sanitation facilities did not reveal any severe pollution problems beyond drinking water permissible values (PV). Furthermore, principal component analysis (PCA) and Pearson correlation (r) found a strong correlation between Mn, and the two metals - Cu and Ni at r= 0.632 andr= 0.676 respectively. The other parameters (Cd, Cr, As, Zn & Pb) were not a significant factor in explaining the dissolved metal pollution in Zambia.

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NACHIYUNDE, K. , IKEDA, H. , OKUDA, T. and NISHIJIMA, W. (2013) Assessment of Dissolved Heavy Metal Pollution in Five Provinces of Zambia. Journal of Environmental Protection, 4, 80-85. doi: 10.4236/jep.2013.41B015.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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