Unveiled Major Global Climate Calamities Hot Spots with Their Tracks, Targets and Lone Alone Reversion Director
Malik Muhammad Nazeer
Islamabad, Pakistan.
DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108953   PDF    HTML   XML   25 Downloads   167 Views  


The extreme buildup of Global Heat Content (GHC) is the major culprit behind all Global Climate Calamities (GCC). About 86.38% of its annual heat input is due to Indus Basin Water Treaty (IBWT) blunder, committed in 1960 by diverting 39 MAF Water Irrigating Pakistan (WIP) to India. This disabled the Divinely created Global Air Conditioner (GAC) already in operation at 35.7% of its capacity, dissipating GHC at 14.235 ZJ/year with the said water as its Freon. Henceforth, 41.1% annual deficit in GHC dissipation budget started resulting in continuous huge growth of GHC energizing number of hot spots, continuously boosting GCC through Indian Air Wheels (IAW), an evaporator and condenser of GAC. The major of these unspotted hot spots, their energizing mechanism, their Targets and attacking routes are unveiled in this work to further elaborate complex GCC promotion network to the World Leaders and draw their attention towards actual solution of this dilemma through GAC, the lone alone reversion director. By Devine mercy, GAC mobilization at full capacity can successfully revert all GCC to the opportunities within 56 years (by 2078) restoring 1960 climate status through blocking annual heat addition and draining 923 ZJ already heaped GHC. Thereafter, this GAC will handle all anticlimactic contributions due to human population growth for centuries. This is the only way, while all other measures concentrate only on 13.62% of only the current heat input and are never able to drain 923 ZJ. Also, the scattered findings in respect of GCC growing gravities, their mother GHC, their major promoter IBWT, the inevitable role of unique GAC with its prime and vital components, the IAW and WIP and its potential to solve all GCC and many other global problems too and terrible role of present IBWT sponsored disability are all summed up and presented to the all the stakeholders in GCC Control, particularly the UNO, NASA, World Bank, all Scientific Institutions, USA, Europe, UK, Australia, Japan and China (the countries at fore front of GCC main attacks) in order to alert them of forthcoming unimaginable disasters and divert their attention and activities towards GAC earliest mobilization.

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Nazeer, M. M. (2022) Unveiled Major Global Climate Calamities Hot Spots with Their Tracks, Targets and Lone Alone Reversion Director. Open Access Library Journal, 9, 1-24. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1108953.

1. Introduction

Almost all the Global Climate Calamities (GCC) are continuously building up and up at very high speed, especially since 1973 with their large jump almost from 1965 to 1973 [1]. This all is due to persistent annual growth in Global Heat Contents (GHC) at the pattern fully consistent with that of both the resulting GCC and the implementation sequence of its promotor, the Indus Basin Water Treaty (IBWT) [1] - [8]. The IBWT blunder was committed in 1960 by World Bank (WB), USA, UK, Australia, Germany, France etc., the World Catastrophic Group (WCG). This blunder was the diversion of 39 MAF water of 3 Pakistani eastern rivers, (Ravi, Bias and Sutlej) to India. This water irrigating southeastern Pakistan was the Freon of Divinely created unique Global Air Conditioner (GAC). The westward rolling vertical Indian air wheel (IAW), a major part of GAC generated at Chulistan, Rajasthan and Thar deserts by the sun radiations absorb WIP along with its evaporating heat from the earth atmosphere and discharge it to the Troposphere, while water and snow return to the earth after its precipitations. This process carries on quite silently with the same air and water evaporated again and again, continuously rolling on earth till Atlantic and Pacific. The water in this rolling is somewhat rarely visible in cloud mode going westward at the upper side of IAW and in their lower part water vapors and the air are mostly neither visible nor sensible due to their zero speed relative to earth. In this way, the GAC was already in operation at about 35.7% of its capacity, dissipating GHC at 14.235 ZJ/year with overall 41.1% contributions in total GHC annual dissipation budget of 1960. The said water diversion initiated in 1960 and completed by about 1970, disabling GAC and its aftermath in form of rise in GHC, which followed it with a lag of about 3 years from 1970 to 1973 due to continuation of water evaporation from the subsoil, plants and vegetation of effected area. In other words, IBWT raised Global heat dissipation blockage to 41.1%, which started accumulating GHC, elevating GHT every year and hence, additional 923 ZJ heat had been heaped in the Earth Globe by 2021. By this annual heat addition, the GHC growth rate became 16.48 ZJ/year since 1973 in place of 2.245 ZJ in 1960 [1] [2] [3]. This is continuously boosting the growth of the (GCC) and energizing the hot spots both through boosted GHT scenario and superimposition of local heating and GHT agitated wildfires. Restoration of GAC at its 1960 operational capacity by reversal of IBWT after 60 years of its malfunctions will only reduce the further heat input/buildup to the Earth Globe from 16.48 to 2.245 ZJ/year and will never ever be able to block it and drain out the already heaped additional 923 ZJ Global heat. The Nature (Allah swt اللہ سبحانہ و تعالی ) is kind enough on the mankind and He has already created two more mutually compatible Unique feeders’ systems of this GAC with 9.893 ZJ and 15.78 ZJ annual heat dissipation potentials needing mobilization by the mankind [1]. These can successfully reverse almost all the climate calamities to the fruitful opportunities through operation of GAC at its full capacity. It will, however, take about 56 years (2078) to drain out 923 ZJ Global Heat and restore 1960 climate status, if GAC is mobilized immediately at full potential, parallel at its all fronts. After 2078, the GAC will take over the compensation of rest of grown-up contributions to GHC due to growth of human population and its comfortable living demands. For review of the scenario by the Global Scientific, Political and Managerial Communities having not enough time to go through the large text of reasoning and discussion and to motivate them towards the inevitable immediate mobilization of full GAC, the findings in this field [1] - [8] with some strange and interesting results encountered and those stated between the lines are briefly stated bellow. Thereafter, in the subsequent paragraphs, some major camouflaged hot spots tracing their tracks to major targets and types of their produced climate Calamites from different fronts, energized by the continuous major heat pumping roles of IBWT blunder are pointed out.

2. Findings in Brief

Following are the findings and observations in brief for review.

1. Aftermaths of Global Heat Contents Growth: Almost all Global catastrophic calamities (heat waves, wildfires, pollution, wind and thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, twisters, clouds burst, heavy rains, snowstorms, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions etc. and their developed various epidemics) are mainly, both directly and indirectly governed by the Global Heat Contents and Temperature (GHT) and promptly progress proportional to the GHC/GHT growth [1] [2] [3] [4]. A recent (2020) example is the record breaking self-supporting Australian wildfire, resulting into heat waves, record breaking rains and huge snows storms throughout the Earth Globe.

2. The extra ordinary heat input (16.48 ZJ/year since 1973 in place of 2.245 ZJ/year in 1960) to the Earth Globe as stated above is due to crippling of Divinely created unique GAC by IBWT implementation in 1960. The continuous Global Heat and Temperature buildup activity is a deadly Global issue, continuously boosting all the Global Climate Calamites (GCC) [1].

3. Indian Air Wheel of GAC: A major and prime component of the said GAC is Indian Air Wheel (IAW) of 10 Km diameter, generated by Summer’s Sun radiations on Chulistan, Rajasthan and Thar deserts (CRT) of Indian Subcontinent with collaboration of GHC and GHT. The air close to the earth surface heated by sun radiation in summer becomes lighter in weight and hence is elevated up to the Troposphere. While elevating, the air carry on lagging towards west as its eastward absolute linear speed “” cannot increase to maintain its angular speed “ω equal to that of earth surface. Thus its current ωc at elevation “e” is less than its initial at earth surface ωi, as is evident by the comparison of relations ωi =/R & ωc =/(R + e). Here R is the radius of the Earth. At the Troposphere, this air loses its heat to the Troposphere and become cooler and heavier and thus starts descending. Now, on return journey, as elevation e” decreases, the current ωc increases and finally when “e” becomes zero, its “ω” becomes equal to ωi of earth. Thus, air return back to the earth surface completing its vertical westward rolling Air Wheel, IAW with zero linear speed at the earth surface, unless these have any additional push, like that of Monsoons or land to sea breeze or the easterly etc. Thus, these vertical IAW roll westward with respect to earth due to Earth eastward daily rotation about its polar axis along with gravitational pull of solar and lunar and also pushed by Indian Monsoons, through the gap between the local reversal of sea-to-land wind into land-to-sea as IAW1-a, mainly from July to November, and then pushed and carried on by land-to-sea wind about 30˚ in-phase, pulling it towards its south as IAW1-b. The east-west track of IAW1-a round the Globe shifts with time toward south and ultimately their end part towards south over eastern coast of Africa as IAW1-b directed by the coastal winds supporting and pushing towards 30˚ south directed by Arabian Sea coastal orientation. This track shift is partly by the push of land to sea breeze towards south and partly by the gravitational pull of shifting Solar towards south from June to November. Thus, IAW generations, rolling, drifting, shifting and tracking is the result of joint venture of CRT deserts and their tropical geolocation, sun radiations, current status of GHC and GHT, Earth polar rotation, gravitational pulls of celestial bodies, summer season, Monsoons, sea to land and land to sea breezes directed by Arabian sea coastal orientation and the gap at their summer reversal, mountains pattern of Baluchistan, Easterlies and other Divinely pitched and plugged Global contributors, absolutely unique in whole the world. The bottom of these air wheels acts as evaporator and their top within the Troposphere as condenser for GAC Freon, the water irrigating Pakistan.

4. Water Irrigating Pakistan and GAC: The 2nd most vital part of GAC is its Freon, the water vapors collected from irrigation supplies, plants and vegetations at the immediate area on the track of IAW. The lower part of IAW can be saturated at the very beginning by water vapors only in Pakistan, as only Pakistan is naturally situated at most suitable location on their track and well equipped for its ample supply. These vapors are inclusive of latent heat of evaporation and also that heating it further, all gained from the atmosphere near the earth surface. While passing through the Troposphere, the said heat is handed over to Troposphere at about −70˚C with condensation and precipitation by the upper part of IAW. The resulting rainwater on the way back to Earth is again evaporated for its next cycle on most of IAW track. The ambient heat, temperature, air speed, humidity as contributors to rate of water evaporation and hence to GAC performance are all out of human reach, while the only window for human role and control is the water surface area extension through irrigation and growing of agricultural plants and vegetations. Even in this too out of following seven heads stated below, mankind has role only in the last two and other five along with the previously referred 4 with matching suitability/compatibility are all natural blessings.

1) availability of ample water

2) Availability of ample area for irrigation, i.e., for water surface area extension

3) suitability of irrigated area location with respect to track of GAC air wheels

4) fertility of area for agricultural growth

5) irrigation ease through gravity flow of water

6) water surface extension through irrigation for agriculture growth

7) management of water availability throughout the year.

All these 11 perfectly compatible parameters were divinely available in Pakistan before 1960, with 35.7% in operation and 64.3% ready for human mobilization. Unfortunately, the Divinely created and naturally operated part (35.7%) of this GAC was also disabled by the tragic IBWT phenomenon as stated at No. 2., above through human (WB & WCG) blunder of blocking the irrigation supply, the numbers “1)” above, the Freon of GAC. This water was diverted to India, which is continuously ruining Pakistan and hurling unimaginable terrible disaster over whole the world by destroying the Global ecosystems, creating huge disparity and imbalance in GHC input and output, resulting into continuously ever-increasing herds of horrible GCC. The water diverted to India is evaporating through irrigation too, but outside the GAC evaporator and condenser loop, the IAW track thus wasting it altogether in view of GAC role [2]. The present water diversion from Pakistan to India was the 3rd operation of its kind, while 2nd mishap by the hands of mankind.

5. The first such operation was reversion of River Sarasvati at somewhere in Indian Punjab, some 4000 years ago [9] to India from flowing through the area of present southeastern Pakistan. This was perhaps, the first huge setback to Global Climate and resulted in dissertation of middle east, Rubal-Khali of Saudi Arabia and Sahara of Africa and perhaps ended the Cold Age Era.

6. The 2nd operation was a few hundred years ago, through diversion of river Ghaghar-Hakra-Nara [10] which was irrigating Chulistan, Southern Punjab, Sindh and Thar, again to India by its barraging. The water thus evaporated from these areas might have been raining in Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Sahara till western coast of Africa. This resulted in dissertation of these areas and was 2nd huge set back to Global Climate, but it too did not jolt the mankind much being in pre-industrial age and also not much human vision of environment changes aftermaths. The present IBWT propagated tragedy, the 3rd of its kind, has jolted the Earth Globe as it was already at critical stage because of increasing contributions of industrial developments and population growth to this issue. Its aftermaths were felt extremely critical by the environment scientists, but generally not by the political ruling class, while IBWT, the real and major culprit behind the issue did not come in vision till 2019 and still not even to the majority of the stakeholders.

7. Hurling of Remaining 64.3% Part of GAC into a Deep Pit: WB had the opportunity to compensate its IBWT blunder as Pakistan requested it to advise about development of its remaining water and power resources, the source of remaining 64.3% part of GAC. With 64.3% (First with 9.893 ZJ and 2nd with 15.78 ZJ) heat dissipation potential per year [1], WB could have compensated the wraiths of IBWT implementation, but through its tragic misguidance in its recommendations for development of Water and Power Resources of West (then) Pakistan [11], it detonated the remaining 2 parts too. In place of mobilizing them to dissipate the additional heat input to the Earth Globe by its IBWT blunder, it tried not to let progress any positively contributing activity. IBWT resulted into monotonically growing GCC along with rise of Global Temperature to 1.45˚C from about 0.245˚C in 1990, whereas it may be even more than 1.64˚C by 2030, while its 2nd move, the above stated recommendation deteriorated and postponed the possible relief to the world by more than 100 years, letting the GCC to continuously grow up to new elevated terrible limits along with perishing global resources. From the stature of the above stated 3 parts of GAC it seems that all these are willfully created by the Nature to handle further huge Global heat, greenhouse gasses, pollution and soot growth due to continuously growing population at always increasing rate and hence with huge growth of required facilities with mounting growth of industrial development. The IBWT blunder and postponing the said relief by 100 years through WB misguidance are got triggered divinely perhaps to urge, alert, guide, motivate and compel mankind to mobilize the full GAC well in time for all future needs of population growth.

8. Water Role in IAW/GAC: The water role in IAW/GAC is 3 folds; one is Global heat export to the Troposphere and the 2nd is cleaning of the Earth atmosphere from heat, greenhouse gasses (GHG), pollution and soot by rains, snowfall, nurtured trees and plants and 3rd is NO2 and GHG fertilization of plants by lightning and rains and hence cleans the environment, reverses their pungent role in climatic devastations [1] to beneficial one through irrigation and fertilization of the crops too.

9. Immediate Inevitable Human Move: To stop GHC/GHT further growth along with draining 923 ZJ heat accumulated and control of GCC for existence of life on Earth Globe, it is inevitable to immediately reinstate 14.235 ZJ heat dissipation through IBWT reversal, along with about 9.893 ZJ GHC dissipation potential of Northern Pakistan through optimum and comprehensive water storage and irrigation system development. If the joint venture of 14.235 ZJ and 9.893 ZJ annual heat dissipation, could be fully mobilized by years 2022 and 2030 (8 - 10 years for complete development of storage and irrigation system) respectively, it will take about 124 years (the 2155) to disperse the 923 ZJ heap of GHC and meanwhile, all living creations will have to face all the devastations of GCC.

10. Inevitable Complementary Human Move: By the Divine mercy, irrigation of Chulistan, Thar, Thal deserts and Baluchistan has the potential to dissipate further 15.78 ZJ Global Heat per year and it is also needed to join the above stated joint venture. If all these three parts of GAC are mobilized properly, promptly, completely and immediately, these can successfully control and rollback the high-speed rising Global Heating and all its tribes to pre-1960 safe status in about 56 years, i.e. by 2078. Thereafter, it will take care of all the ever increasing abnormal and unavoidable inputs perhaps for centuries. This needs optimum development of infrastructure for seasonally available water storage, irrigation, drainage (of extra rains and underground water) for better agriculture growth and hydro power generation systems by the International Community under UNO management.

11. The Aftermaths of Global Heat Growth: The said 923 ZJ growth in GHC and GHT is resulting in

1) Increasing the oceanic levels, a critical threat of permanent submerging of low-level coastal areas including their cities and huge coastal Oceanic floods.

2) Huge ever-increasing rate of sublimation of polar and glaciers ice, a continuously growing terrible threat to natural underground water pipe network.

3) The ever-increasing heap of Global heat contents in Oceans is not asleep. Huge rise of temperature of all Oceanic layers is a critical threat to marine culture and ecosystems.

4) Huge rise in Oceanic surface temperature is enforcing the brutal Categories to the winds storm and hurricanes. This may soon heavily escalate the frequency, intensity and category of hurricanes, windstorms, cyclones and snowstorms etc. At present (2020), Category 5 hurricanes can happen over Atlantic Ocean if its surface temperature is above 82˚F and the Category 4 can happen if it is 81˚F [12], while over the Pacific Ocean; it may be 81˚ and 80˚F respectively [13] due to long distance and long contact time with IAW in case of Pacific. These temperature limits will soon be crossed with IBWT continuous feed to GHT and very soon such new limits would have to be defined for new highly terrible categories 6, 7 and 8 Hurricanes because of most Critical Global Heating.

5) Ever increasing intensity and frequency of heat waves, wildfires, droughts, snow and thunderstorms, cyclones, hurricanes, cloudburst, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, health hazards, epidemics etc.

12. Role of Celestial Bodies in Climate Issues: Sun, Moon and Venus have cyclic roles in intensity of monsoons, climate, IAW, NAH, wind and snowstorms and earthquakes etc. Their influences are superimposed over that of IBWT promoted aftermaths and hence the record-breaking results are critically disturbing the Global ecosystems. These exert joint gravitational pull on IAW, Monsoons and earth atmosphere against the earth pull depending on their mutual location with respect to Earth. These have strong direct cyclic role as per their cycles with respect to earth in intensity, frequency and steering these to all the targets over the Earth Globe [7].

1) Moon: During Earth daily rotation in the time span of the IAW, Moon being closer and tied down to the Earth than the other two has more prominent role. Its two prominent activities are:

a) Three steps matching cycle with the time span of IAW season in 3 years due to its lead of 11 day per solar year in its month initiation over the solar year and a day lag by the solar leap year with four patterns of net gravity due to its location with respect to Sun in four quarters of lunar monthly location during time span of IAW season and

b) its two 18.6 years nodal precession cycles, one relatively oriented to Earth Northern Hemisphere and the second to the Southern.

Thus earth, its atmosphere, Monsoons, easterlies, westerlies and IAW experience, one 3 years and 2nd 37 years (sum of two lunar 18.6 years cycles) cyclic lunar two main simultaneous activities [7]. The Indian Monsoons and resulting rainfalls closely follow 37 years cycle directed by lunar two 18.6 years nodal precession cycles. The one oriented to Earth Northern Hemisphere has 5 - 6 years extremely heavy rains followed by 12 - 13 years moderate rains in Pakistan, the area of GAC concern, while 2nd one oriented to Earth southern hemisphere has 3 - 4 years heavy rains followed by 14 - 15 years lowest rains, generally droughhts, both with fluctuations governed by Venus and lunar own cyclic status too [7]. The water storage program with Monsoons cycle of 37 year demands 450 - 500 MAF storage to normalize and reverse/en-cash its devastating fluctuations, both for global heat export and human’s food needs.

2) Sun: The Sun role is on annual basis and during the GAC major active span, the earth location on its annual track around the Sun with its polar axis leaning at 23.45˚ to the earth annual rotation plane and thereby gravity and heat flux changes dictate corresponding effects in IAW frequency [7], intensity and steering to their various tracks along with shifting of their tracks towards south is its dictation through its latitudinal position.

3) Venus: The prominent Venus activity is cyclic with 4/5 and 8-years cycles of lapses going into further cyclic change resulting into two Transits, 8 years apart, then 105.5 years with no Transit, only the lapses, and then two Transits 8 years apart, and then again 121.5 years with only lapses, for a total cycle of 243 years. The monsoons, IAW and NAH frequency matching Transits were in June of years 2004 and 2012, the first one boosting the Indus flow and NAH frequency peaks during (2002-2005) 4 years and second one resisting these during (2010-2013) 4 years [7]. Next such Transits will be in years 2247, (extremely disastrous in case of no progress in GAC full mobilization) and 2255. The pattern of these 4 years is with 2 years leading the Transit year and one is follower [7]. The action of lapses is relatively small and depends on their matching/mismatching, leading/lagging and approaching/leaving with respect to the IAW time span.

13. North Atlantic Hurricanes and Fareast Cyclones Birth in India: North Atlantic Hurricanes (NAH) and Fareast cyclones, both take birth only in CRT deserts (new paradigm NPD) of Indian Subcontinent in form of IAW trains generated by Sun radiations over and above the GHT baseline, mainly in 4.5 months during summer at reversal of coastal winds from July to November. In first 3.5 months west going portion of IAW is dominant, while in last 3 month south going portion grows up and up and takes the lead in last 1 and 1/2 months with the help of land to sea breeze in phase pushing it at 30˚ towards south.

14. Multiple Tarins of IAW and NAH: One terrible gift of IBWT elevated GHT is the birth of Multiple IAW and NAH tarins at a time initiated solely at CRT deserts (NPD) [1]. The first, the northern take birth in Chulistan, 2nd in Rajasthan and 3rd, the southern in Thar agitated by GHT baseline in 1, 2 or 3 IAW trains on 3 parallel tracks from north to south respectively (NPD) [1].

15. Extra Huge Hurricanes: Sometimes, while toppling into horizontal hurricane 2, 3 or 4 of those IAW close together from the one, 2 or 3 tarins may merge into one huge hurricane of more than 20, 30 or 40 km diameter [1] with some spawned tornados inside it.

16. Different Types of Japan’s and USA Landfalls: The lime Share of Indians air wheels IAW is forced towards USA as NAH, while the remaining lone alone escaping from toppling and south American catches crossover to Pacific may mostly generate only typhoon or tornado landfalling in Fareast if these do not fizzle out on the way. This differentiates the types and nature of Japan’s and USA landfalls (NPD) [1]. Their frequency, intensity and brutality will rise with the time along the rise of GHT.

17. Air Wheels and Hurricanes Visibility: The air in the air wheels and Hurricanes is never visible. These are the water vapors which are visible and these too only when these are condensed into vapors or cloud mode. Thus, the horizontally rolling hurricanes become visible as a circulating wheel when the vapors condense in form of cloud, while in the vertical air wheels only their upper portion is visible. In this case visible vapors become invisible at their entry to lower side and those entering the upper cold era become visible.

18. NAH/IAW 100-Year Frequency Graph: The 100-year frequency graph of NAH (Tropical depression, the largest and major visible in the group is considered) and its accompanying members [14] and hence IAW rise to peak in about 42 days and falls in 63 days, both divisible by 7, the quarter of a lunar month with 4 characteristic net gravities. Both the rise and fall are with 3 steps, perhaps depending upon 3 years Lunar cyclic match with IAW time span. The 3 - 4 days lead in this 3-year cycle due to its approximately 11 days lead every year and one day leap solar year lag adds sub-steppes in each of the 3 main steppes, both in rising and falling portion of this 100-year frequency graph of NAH [7] [14].

19. Four Additional Critical Points: Very critical functionality of four more points have been found over and above the already 6 well known points on the track of Earth around the sun (Figure 1) as

1) 2 Equinoxes on 21st March and 21st September when the day and night are of equal duration

2) 2 Solstices, 21st June when day is longest and 21st December when night is longest and thereafter, these both start decreasing

3) One is Aphelion, July 4th when Earth is at maximum distance from the sun and 2nd is the Perihelion 3rd January when the Earth is at minimum distance from the sun.

These are Earth peak radial activity (EPRA) locations, i.e. maximum radial movement of Earth on its elliptical path around the Sun. These are on 04th June, 03rd August, 03rd December and 03rd February (Figure 1). The peak outward radial motion of earth results in losing its grip on its atmosphere and also on the IAW on the sun side of earth against their westward drift and this increases the solar drag against the earth daily rotation extended above the normal, hence IAW and NAH speeds up and frequencies rise above the normal trend.

At Perihelion, Aphelion and both Equinoxes, the radial speeds of earth are zero, while at the above stated 4 EPRA points these are maximum. The Aphelion

Figure 1. Elliptical paths of Earth around Sun and Moon around the Earth, both axial and elliptical rotations along with rotations of Moon’s ellipse around Earth, are all counterclockwise when seen from North Pole star. The initiation stages of NAH i.e. air wheel generation stages from the 100 years frequency of NAH Figure 2 are shown on elliptical path of earth to see the role of variation of earth distance from the sun and particularly its approaching and receding or departing motions. The points of the earth peak radial momentum on its track around the sun responded by the three peaks of this graph on 4th June, 03rd August and 3rd December. These 3 along with Aphelion and 21st September Equinox fall in IAW/NAH time zone and their role is discussed in the text. The sun gravitational pull and heat are the driver and director of IAW and NAH frequency and intensities.

and September Equinox fall in range of IAW activity time zone (IATZ) assessed from NAH 100 years frequency graph (Figure 2) [14] advancing it by 10 days, the approximate time for IAW to reach USA. The first one is in slack rising and 2nd one is in peak falling zone (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Around both these points, the IATZ curve is fluctuating for sufficient long time, but has no overall rise or fall confirming their inactivity in this game. Out of the above stated 4 EPRA points, the First 3 fall in the range of IATZ activity and last one is out of this zone. The two at the ends of these 3 are in slack rising and falling. Both these points (4 June & 3 December) boost the IATZ curve well above their normal trends proportional to their normal stature. The middle one (3 August) is in peak rising zone, and hence boosts the IATZ curve too much sharply. This pushes the curve to a jump of 23 units, as compared to its preceding step of 7 and the follower of only 8, i.e. each about 1/3 of the middle one. This means that this solar-earth activity has speeded up the peak rising activity too fast, hence the rising activity has gained its full stature in short while of only 42 days. The corresponding activity of 21 September on other side of curve is prolonging the duration at an elevated stage and this contributes much in elongation of falling one to 63 days. Also, first peak to peak radial speed/momentum from 4 June to 3 August is of only 60 days with accordingly small share of 4 July zero or no activity change duration, whereas second peak to peak radial speed/momentum duration is of 123 days from 3 August to 3 December with accordingly large duration share of September 21 Equinox zero activity or no change within the peak fall zone, elongating it much longer.

Figure 2. The 100 years frequencies of North Atlantic Major and normal Hurricane, tropical storms and depressions [14] advanced by 10 days for analysis of its correlations with their initiation location parameters. It is divided in various sectors as per its status and superimposed the locations of June and December Solstices, September Equinox, July Aphelion and Jan Perihelion, etc. along with 4th June, 3rd Aug and 3rd Dec., the peaks of Earth velocity and momentum component along the Earth-Sun line. These are discussed in the text.

20. Difference in Rise and Fall of NAH/IAW Curve Duration: The difference in 42 days rise and 63 days settling down times is jointly dictated by sea to land wind in opposite-phase at 150˚ (North-east) with IAW movement in first case and in-phase land to sea wind at 30˚ (South-west) with IAW westward direction in the 2nd case and proportionate change in solar gravity and heat radiations on IAW due to earth location on its track around the sun during IAW activity span [1] [7]. Thus, resisting behavior of sea to land breeze delays and reduces the IAW rising duration and then accelerating their growth by 3rd August EPRA point in first one completes its rising stature in 42 days, while in-phase wind and increased solar pull or gravity increase the IAW settling down duration to 63 days.

21. The westward going IAW are carried over the entire Earth Globe by Easterlies [1] [15], with their early portion mainly on northern tracks and these are diverted towards northeastern coasts of continents by the southwestern coastal winds of the continents and their later portion mainly on southern track, diverted towards southeastern coasts, and on South American Continent, the eastern side of mountain ridges guide these towards south and ultimately to Antarctica (Figure 3, Figure 4).

Figure 3. The vertically rolling Indian Air Wheels (IAW), have major portion, (1-a) rolling towards Atlantic over Northern Africa, while (1-b) is the part rolling over Indian Ocean Coast of Africa; the (2) are the IAW and easterlies directed by North-western mountains ridges of South American and then a part hitting Antarctica and the other directed by southern westerly and then western African coast towards north and then northwest by north-western bulge of Africa; the (3) is the IAW and easterlies portion directed by North-eastern and then Southwestern mountains ridges of South American to hit Antarctica; the (4) are the routes of IAW toppled into horizontally rolling hurricanes and storms by the African western coast directed part of (2) IAW, with their numerous routes as per resultant of the momentums of the two combating counterparts; the (5) IAW is component of (1-b) IAW hitting Antarctica; (6) IAW is component of (1-b) IAW hitting Australia as directed by Southern westerly resulting into heat waves and wildfire; (7) is the southern part of the aftermath of (6) hitting Antarctica and (8) is its northern part as directed by Southern westerly and then South American western mountains ridges and this (not shown here) hitting USA, Canada and Europe as snow storms.

Figure 4. The (1-a), (1-b), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7) and (8) are same as indicated in (Figure 3). The (8-a) is next step of (8) directed by western ridges of South American mountains and is hitting USA, Canada and Europe with snowstorms, always breaking previous records triggered by (1-b) and (6) part of IAW. (4-a) is the route of Middle East heat activity striking Europe with heatwaves, wildfires, wind and thunderstorms. The (9) is the route of Northern Australia heat activity striking Fareast countries, North America, and Europe with climate aftermaths, generally the snowstorms in last two continents. The (9-a) is the route of rare part of (9) striking countries around gulf of Bengal with storm. The (10) is the route of Borneo heat generated storm striking countries around Arabian Sea [15]. The (11) is the route of Brazilians/Amazon heat and wildfire generated storm striking countries in Fareast and then snowstorms in North America and Europe.

22. Prime Culprit Behind Global Heating and GCC: The Indus Basin Water Treaty 1960 (IBWT) is the prime culprit behind the Global Heating and almost all GCC all over the World. Its annual contribution is 86.38% with annual addition of 14.235 ZJ heat to the Earth Globe since 1965/73, while share of all other contributors in this game is only about 13.62 % with 2.245 ZJ annual heat input since era well before 1960. Thus, deficiency in the required 40.098 ZJ of GHC annual export to Troposphere is 35.5% (14.235 ZJ) due to IBWT tragedy and 5.6 % (2.245 ZJ) by all other contributors. The overall deficiency has become 16.48 ZJ (more than 41%) since 1973. The IBWT is not the direct heat producer but is the blocker of Global heat export/drainage to Troposphere by blocking the Freon supply to the Divinely created unique GAC, and promotor of heat producers too like wildfires, volcanic eruption and power plants for enhanced cooling needs etc. through GHT growth, however, the main source of this Global heat is the Sun radiations. The said Freon of GAC is 39 MAF water of 3 eastern Pakistani rivers, Ravi, Bias and Sutlej diverted to India out of the IAW track under IBWT implementation enforced by WB and its WCG associates, the USA, UK, Australia, Germany, France etc. The other major contributors in Global heating are burning of all fossil fuels, wildfires, GHG, nuclear tests, power plants, chemical industries, use of conventional Explosives and Nuclear in Warfare, Volcanic eruptions, air pollution etc. The kinetic energy of Indian Monsoons air blast speeds up the movement of air wheels and avoids their fizzling out on the way. The severer is this push, the NAH will be more speedy, deep penetrating and vastly brutal in the absence of optimum irrigation of Pakistan.

23. Brakes to Melting of Global Ice applied by Indus River Floods: Indus River system floods water aversion to flooded areas out of its main flow track, its absorption by the earth, entrapping by the land elevation profiles and then its evaporation and hence, the Freon Feed to GAC and resulting cooling has monotonic and matching response in reduction of glaciers and polar ice melting rates [1] [2], both in time and stature.

24. Water Share in Heat Transport by GAC: The share of water in Global Heat transport to the Troposphere by IAW of GAC is 88.24% while 11.76% is the contribution of air itself. [1].

25. Major Aftermaths of IBWT: The major aftermaths of IBWT are briefly listed below.

1) Global Heat Contents (GHC) has grown up to 923 ZJ by 2021 over and above that was in 1960 and may be 1071 ZJ by 2030, growing at the rate of 16.48 ZJ per year, with 14.235 ZJ/year being the share solely of IBWT [1] [2] [3] [4].

2) The intensity and frequency of hurricanes, tornados, cyclones, wind and snowstorms, rains, floods, heat waves, wildfires, polar’s and glaciers ice sublimation, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis are monotonically growing with the resulting GHT growth [1].

3) The Lead of heating of northern side of Oceans over their southern is due to early direct and main strikes of IAW deprived of water by IBWT [2].

4) The Heat contents Lead of Atlantic, then Southern, then Indian Ocean over the Pacific Ocean is all due to striking intensities of IBWT affected IAW as per locations of these in the IAW striking routes [2].

5) Six times increase in rate of Antarctician and Greenland ice sublimation in 2018 as compared to that in 1990s [16] is obviously due to ever-increasing growth of driving temperature-difference (approximately 0.25˚C in 1990 and 1.45˚C in 2018, i.e. 1.45/0.25 = 5.8 ≈ 6 times in 2018 as compared to that in 1990) [1] [2]. This may rise to more than 1.64˚C by 2030 with unimaginable Global disaster.

6) All 15 NAH parameters are boosted, mostly only in the era of IBWT activation [6].

7) Mutually matching behavior of NAH frequency and Indus River flows of July/August by 95% confirm them as twin sons of Indian Monsoons directed and nurtured jointly by Solar, Lunar and Venus Troika with the help of WIP deprived IAW [7].

8) The 4 years extraordinary boost in NAH frequency around 2004 Transit of Venus and 4 years extraordinary depression in NAH frequency around next Transit of Venus in 2012 shows its strong joint Venus and Sun gravity affect along with the monsoons push of IAW during their journey to USA [7]. During first instance Solar/Venus joint gravitational pull assists the rolling of WIP deprived IAW and NAH and do not let them fissile out on the way, while in 2nd case this pull is in opposite direction and forces them to mainly fissile out on the way. The ten days long exposure of IAW and NAH on their track to the Solar/Venus activation during its 4 years group of latter’s Transits beyond the Monsoon affect deviates it from its 100% one-to-one matching correspondence with Indus River flows [1] [7]. In the absence of IBWT most of the energy of IAW would have been drained on the way reducing their frequencies and intensities in both Transits.

9) NAH of early June extraordinary peak in 100 years NAH graph is coupled with 3 - 4 days heatwave about 10 days earlier in the CRT deserts area and southern Pakistan. This is wandering in 8 - 10 days span and is the result of 3/4 years lunar cyclic brake to the initiation of sea to land breeze, thus helping IAW formation and letting the gate opened for their escape to west in this season intensified by IBWT through GHT and IAW [1].

10) Huge continuously rising polar and glaciers ice sublimation rate and huge differential heating of Oceans are mainly, if not solely aftermath of tragic IBWT implementation [1].

11) IBWT has not only direct role in all the North Atlantic, Pacific and north-western Pacific hurricanes tribes through its transcontinental crossover of CRT generated IAW to Pacific but also has indirect role in boosting the USA bound Pineapple Express or Atmospheric River [2] [17] and Europe bound winds and snows storms both from Africa and North America through its push of the USA, Brazilian and Australian wildfires and East African Wind Blast by its constantly elevating GHT. The yellow track of NAH (Figure 3) may shift to the red track, hitting central and northern USA states as a result of Indian Monsoons push [1] [18] boosted by extreme GHT and directed by African western coastal winds all fielded mainly by IBWT. The GHT is attacking NAH through its following six fronts: all in queue, one after the other, all continuous and simultaneous in action by raising NAH energy. Thus, higher is the GHT as a result of IBWT, the more

a) energetic are the IAW,

b) are the air wheels trains with more buggies, resulting in multiple NAH trains,

c) energetic are the Monsoons and more sever is their push to IAW, speeding them up and thus avoiding their fizzling out,

d) is the African heat input to these IAW,

e) energetic is the African western coastal wind toppling the IAW trains into NAH trains, heavily boosting their frequency, intensity and will even steer them to new targets too in USA and Europe,

f) More sever is the building up of intensity and category of hurricanes by Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. All the Oceans are huge heat capacitors, water evaporation facilitators and hurricanes categorizer [10] [11]. GHT growth will soon enforce them to boost their categories to terrible limits. Hence will result in more intensified and deeper penetrating Hurricanes and storms, both in USA and Fareast including China and harsher snowstorms in Alaska, Canada, USA and Europe.

Thus, IBWT has one direct NAH brutality boosting roles through obstruction of instant Global heat dissipation and thus forcing it to IAW and at least six more fronts through its earlier elevation of GHT, all nourished, nurtured and grown up by the grace of IBWT. The USA landfall of Multiple Hurricanes at a time and those of diameters 20/30 Km or more are the supplements of post IBWT implementation era through elevated GHT (NPD).

26. The unscientific, unnatural, illogical, pervasive, extremely disastrous and horrible move of IBWT in 1960 is continuously blasting invisible and silent bombs on the entire Globe without brake, a terrible gift to whole the world from its sponsors, the WB and WCG. They should take the responsibly of their misadventure, review it and correct their unscientific moves immediately and motivate the entire world at top emergency to contribute to the development of all the required infrastructures under UNO management to mobilize comprehensive joint ventures referred to No. 2.7 to 2.9 above to reestablish the status of pre IBWT era for safe existence of life on the Earth Globe.

27. The earth Globe is small enough for transcontinental and across the Globe multiple propagations of environmental effects.

28. The continuous heat accumulation on the earth Globe and thus continuous rise in Global temperature due to continuous blockage of water availability to the IAW of GAC since 1965/70 by IBWT is racing all the trains of Global hazards continuously up and up and has left all other agitators/contributers/competitors much behind the scenes.

29. Global Heat Transport Role of GAC: The GAC carry on exporting GHC to the Troposphere from almost all over the Earth through IAW, mainly from their track from Pakistan to Atlantic through South African Sahara Desert. Almost 88.24% of heat transported to Troposphere by IAW like Persian Wheel Water Pump is due to the water evaporation and vapors’ heating at the bottom side of the air wheels and then in turn cooling and condensation at the upper side, thus continuously collecting heat at their bottom (evaporator) and handing it at their top (condenser) to Troposphere. The balance 11.76% heat transport is the share of air components within the air wheels [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] and is intact, while 88.24% is blocked by IBWT since 1965. In the total heat pumped into Earth Globe, IBWT has 86.38% share and the contribution of all other is 13.62%. The tragedy is that all the concentrations of remedial measures are focused on only a small part of even this 13.62% and the 86.38% is not bothered about and this is the horrible crime of all Scientific Communities and Institutions, particularly those of UNO, USA, UK, China, Australia, Russia, etc. The said entrapped heat is being accumulated in the Earth Globe and transported to various parts of the Earth and is secretly generating hot spots, which are quietly initiating and hurling climate calamities to the far away targets on the Earth Globe. Majors of these are pointed out in following paragraphs.

3. Climate Calamities Camouflaged Hot Spots

The sun, moon, Venus, land elevation profiles, all Oceans and their coasts, mountain ridges all over the Globe etc. are Divinely engaged in helping GAC and guiding the IAW to all the targets (Figure 3 & Figure 4) on the Earth Globe [5] [6]. Before IBWT implementation, these IAW of GAC with the help of its Freon (39 MAF water irrigating Southeastern Pakistan) was transporting heat at 14.235 ZJ/year to Troposphere mainly from its track including both the American Continents too (Figure 3). After 1973, this blocked heat due to crippling of GAC by IBWT implementation is being transported to all the Earth Globe by IAW. The hotspots energized by this heat supplies and their attacking routes to their main targets are pointed out below and shown in Figure 3 & Figure 4.

1. Disabled Global Air Conditioner, Mother of all Hot Spots: As discussed above, with IBWT disability of GAC, the CRT desert through its dry IAW has itself become a most terrible hot spot for many GCC directly and a very active headquarter too of all the camouflaged hot spots all over the world for all the rest of GCC. The IAW have two parts; the leading one, (1-a) IAW is the Atlantic Ocean bound and lagging one (1-b) IAW is the Indian Ocean bound (Figure 3 & Figure 4). Since 1965 these IAW have become dry by IBWT implementation progression from 1960 to 1970 and now these IAW along with Easterlies and Westerlies are transporting/distributing the said heat and its aftermaths throughout the Globe. Since then, the additional 923 ZJ heat has been heaped up in the Globe and raised the Global Temperature by 1.45˚C, which provides new elevated bases for the Global Climate Calamities every year. Their main direct and indirect targets are pointed out below.

a) Targets of Atlantic Ocean Bound Indian Air Wheels: A portion of the (1-a) IAW is directed by northwestern mountain ridges of South America towards south (2) (Figure 3). A part of this (2-a) attacks Antarctica, while other (2-b) is directed towards southeast to African western coast with the help of southern westerly and then it attacks and topples a portion of the oncoming (1-a) IAW around the Niger and Nigerian coast resulting into northwest going North Atlantic hurricanes (NAH) and storm (4) etc. After 40˚ latitude these turn towards northeast by their own relative velocity with respect to that of local earth eastward speed and partly due to Northern westerlies. Their track varies from eastern coast of Northern Atlantic to western coast of Pacific depending upon the momentum of two combating (1-a) IAW and its toppling African coastal wind (2-b). Thus, right from Europe to North America and then Fareast this contributes to hurricanes, storms, tornados and even in the atmospheric river attacks on USA (4) (Figure 3) [1] [7] [15]. This attacks even up to the Indian Subcontinent in form of later part of monsoons. A southern portion of (1-a) IAW is directed by eastern and southwestern mountains ridges of South America to Antarctica (3) and this contributes heavily to the melting Antarctician ice. All these consequences are building up and up since 1965 as per growth of GHT under IBWT persistent strikes/blows.

b) Targets of Indian Ocean Bound Indian Air Wheels: The (1-b) I AW, escaping southward under increasing earth to sea wind blasts pulling it at 30˚ souths is heating Indian and Southern Oceans and melting Antarctician ice from (5) south of Africa, while under southern westerlies, a major part of this contributes to heating Australia (6), resulting into heat waves and wildfire here (Figure 4). Then, extreme southern part of resulting heated air blast attacks the Antarctician ice dunes (7), while a major part moves east towards Chili (8) and here it is directed towards North by the long South American western mountains ridge (Figure 4) to USA, Canada and then to Europe (8-a) causing multiple terrible snowstorms in local winter.

2. Targets of Middle East Deserts Hot Spot: The Middle East Deserts Heat promoted by rise in GHT due to IBWT implementation has direct thrust of heat carried on with that of African Sahara Desert over the Northeastern Atlantic, triggers heatwaves in Europe as indicated by yellow arrows with red out-lines (4-a) (Figure 4). The abnormal heat and temperature growth fueled and flared by use of explosives in Middle East wars, like that of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria has promoted heat waves and wildfires in Europe and recent Turkish wildfire has main links with Syrian warfare, although it might have finally been triggered by some veil covered foe.

3. Targets of Amazon/Brazilian Wildfire Hot Spot: The rise in local heat and temperature by sun radiations over and above the IBWT promoted GHT scenario, triggers the extreme wildfire and this generates heated air storm (11) which targets the Fareast countries with heat waves, storms, and Pacific Al-Nino, then North America and then Europe with the snow and windstorms from the west (Figure 4). Their initiation in early local summer in South America is triggered by end lashes of later portion of dry IAW and Easterlies.

4. Targets of Borneo, Malaysian, Indonesian Hot Spot: The rise in local heat and temperature by sun radiations, fully supported by IBWT promoted GHT triggers the wildfire, volcanic eruption and tsunamis which further generate,

a) westward vertical rolling air wheels, pushed towards north by the southern air gust turning them to horizontally rolling cyclone and storm (10) targeting countries around Arabian Sea (Figure 4).

b) If northward push is much forceful or initiator is more on the north, then its target is Fareast with heatwave, and promotes Al-Niño with its aftermaths in Pacific.

c) If these remain in south, generally these fizzles out and sometime may cause rains in Eastern Africa and Australia.

5. Targets of Australian Heat and Wildfire Hot Spots: The rise in local temperature by sun radiations, fully supported by southern (1-b) IAW, energized by GHT, triggers the wildfire and this generates heated air storm which has following three tracks.

a) The Northeastern Australian heat or Wildfire triggered by huge GHT targets Philippine, Japan and China etc. with heat waves or windstorms and then USA, Canada and Europe with snowstorms from the west, the track shown as (9) (Figure 4).

b) Sometimes, eastern push is much stronger, and it follows the track shown as (9-a) (Figure 4) striking countries around gulf of Bengal, generally India and Bangladesh.

c) The Southeastern Australian heat and wildfire well energized by GHT is triggered by the direct push of IAW through the track shown as (6) (Figure 4) supported by Southern Westerly. The southern part of its outcome hits heavily the Antarcticians Ice shown as (7) (Figure 4), while its Northern part is forced on the track shown as (8) (Figure 4) and then is directed towards north shown as (8-a) (Figure 4) by South American western coastal mountain ridges, targeting USA, Canada and Europe with huge snowstorms, always breaking their previous records.

4. Recommendations in Respect of This Global Burning Issues

Above stated are a few prominent and critical aftermath of blockage of Freon of the GAC, continuously mounting up and up at most critical speed. The reversion of IBWT will slow down their upgrowing speed, but never ever can stop their growth. The mobilization of full potential of GAC (all the 3 parts of 35.7%, 24.8%, 39.5%) as pointed out above in paragraphs 2.7 - 2.9 as soon as possible is vital to put all GCC in the reverse gear and restore the pre IBWT status at least in about 56 years (2078). Also, all 86,000 - 93,000 MW hydro power potential must be recovered, not only 6000 - 8000 MW recommended by WB to avoid billions of tons/year of pollution, GHG, soot and proportionate heat addition in Global environment by the equivalent fossil fuel power plants.

5. The Relieves as the Outcome of Recommendations

Following are a few relieves that will be achieved as a result of above stated recommended activities,

1) The 923 ZJ Global heat accumulated by 2021 will drain out at the earliest by 2078.

2) The Oceans’ heat will defuse and settle down in this time. It will restore disturbed ecosystems, marine cultures and avoid terrible risk of NAH move to higher categories.

3) The Polar and glaciers ice sublimation at extremely high rate will be continuously reduced and even reversed and maintain a balance under full GAC activity. The time versus pattern of Freon feed to GAC by the flood water evasion on flooded area and then its evaporation is closely followed inversely by the Polar, Alpine and Italian glaciers ice sublimation matching in both time and rates, indicating their direct and immediate monotonically coupled response to all the Global glaciers. The lead of Greenland is on account of IAW direct attack through NAH, the recipient of major share of IBWT’s aftermath (GHT) and also due to being in neighborhood of IAW generator in the same quarter of Northern Hemisphere [5]. This will thus, benefit similarly from positive role of IAW/GAC. Hence, successful direct brakes to sublimations rate of polar and glaciers ice can be applied by GAC full activation with optimum irrigation in Pakistan.

4) The irrigation of Pakistan has dual control on global ice sublimation, one direct cooling through instant draining of new entry of sublimating heat before its fielding and 2nd through settling down the GHT. The sublimation rate has Monotonic response with GHT stature. As confirmed above in “5)” of subheading 25 of heading 2, six times increase in rate of their ice sublimation as compared to that in 1990s is due to buildup of GHT. Thus, all over the Globe ice sublimation not only can be blocked but will be reversed and regain their 1960 status by optimal irrigation of Pakistan in these 56 years through GHT reversion by GAC full operation. It will avoid ocean level rise and hence

a) avoid submerging of low level coastal area throughout the world

b) Reduce the huge risk of oceanic floods.

5) The strong linkage of NAH intensity with irrigation of Pakistan is evident from the huge growth of its 15 parameters in the era of IBWT activity [6]. The pungent aftermaths of all these parameters will be successfully controlled and tamed only and only by optimum irrigation of Pakistan.

6) NAH Normalization: NAH frequency match with Indus River flows of July and or August by 95% like twin brothers and hence actually with their sponsor, the Indian Monsoons [5]. The NAH frequencies, intensities, brutalities and number of their furious spawned tornados are growing proportional to the GHC/GHT growth by the blockage of water irrigating Pakistan. These will settle down to their normal status with the settling of GHT by optimal mobilization of GAC.

7) Multiple Simultaneous Parallel Hurricanes Trains: Before 1970, NAH were in single train resulting from single train of IAW jointly initiated by CRT with its far apart buggies. Thereafter, the GHT large and continuous growth because of GAC Freon blockage, has extended its activations and Chulistan and Thar too are initiating their own separate trains with increased number of buggies and hence there are 2 or 3 trains of IAW and hence accordingly multiple hurricanes attacking USA simultaneously in 2 or 3 parallel trains. The southern in 3 has its base in Thar, while Northern in 2 or 3 has its base in Chulistan and the central one with its source in Rajasthan generally more furious, all followed closely by their next buggies in tandem too. If these trains of IAW and/or their buggies happen to be mutually close at their toppling into horizontally rolling hurricanes at eastern coast of Atlantic, these may merge into a hurricane of too large diameter, 20-30 kms with some spawned tornados too. These will settle down to their normal status with the settling of GHT by optimal mobilization of GAC.

8) Tornado Control: The tornado is the violently twisting, whirling of heated air initiated and generated by the atmosphere and Earth eastward moving speed difference of different latitudes forming a twisting and whirling couple and a northeastward drift of rising heated air, perfectly as per scientific analogy, initiated by local temperature [15]. These are normally initiated and developed in open area without too many building or thick forests, that is, where there is almost no hindrance in their twisting counterclockwise in Northern Earth Hemisphere and clockwise in Southern due to earth eastward linear speed decreasing towards the poles [11]. Tornadoes are normally generated locally, but intensified by GHT, the aftermath of IBWT, while hurricanes, cyclones and storms are gifted by Indian Subcontinent directly through IAW and intensified by IBWT through its GHT buildup. The seasons of tornadoes precede that of hurricanes and storms as the later overpower and fissile them out mostly at the very beginning. The extreme activity at CRT may generate too many and too close buggies in multiple trains and at their toppling to a large, merged hurricane, some buggies may turn into tornados within the hurricane. The GHT control through Pakistan and the Forestry on open spaces on earth surface is the two open widows for human beings to control and limit the intensities and frequencies of hurricanes, cyclones, storms, tornadoes and twisters.

9) The others Climate Calamities continuously mounting up and up with this heat heaping like extreme weathers conditions, rainfalls, storms, NAH, heatwaves, wildfires, snowstorms, floods disasters, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, draughts, weather and temperatures detonated epidemics, critical health hazards and skin problems etc. will settle down to their normal status with GAC optimal operation.

10) The GHT settlements will reduce abnormal emission of GHG and other gasses disastrous for Ozone layer in the sky absorbing Sun radiations extremely dangerous for the life of animals, plants and planktons resulting into too many health problems.

11) The GHT settlements will reduce extraordinary demands of cooling, its plants, equipment and power and thus will heavily contribute to blocking of Global resources drainage.

12) The GHT settlements will reduce wildfire hazards and thus will heavily contribute to blocking of resulting multiple disasters and too widespread calamities.

13) This will normalize all climate peaks on all over the globe, reducing their intensities by increasing their frequencies.

14) Almost 60% increase in water circulation in WEPC will increase 60% in Global rain fall, but this increase will be about 30% in Pakistan and 10% in India, about 40% - 45% in middle east and northern Africa and 15% - 20% on all over rest of the world. The middle east and African portion may, however, take 30 - 40 years before it can escape the evaporation on its way to earth. Thus, this part of the globe will then also be able to promote its agriculture, while the rest of the world will soon benefit from these controlled intensities and extended frequencies of rain falls.

15) Availing the opportunity of 86,000 - 93,000 MW hydropower production as a byproduct of GHT required irrigation will avoid billions of tones of pollutions, GHG, soot and proportionate quantity of heat addition into Global Environment by its production through fossil fuel plants along with saving the ending Global Energy Resources and huge economic saving of the country in purchase of too much risky fossil fuels and their Plants.

6. Nature’s Warning

The Nature is warning the mankind through extraordinary storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, hails and snowstorms, heavy rains, huge floods, tsunamis, extreme temperatures, heat waves, wildfires, droughts, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and hence the extremely huge disasters etc. to mend its ways and intelligently solve the problems created by its heat based ever increasing energy generation and other heat, pollution, GHG and soot addition activities. On one hand, the mankind has to limit the heat and its coupled companion input to the atmosphere by reducing the burning of fossil fuels through developing the heat free energy generation sources like hydro, wind, solar and Oceanic currents and tides based power generation along with extremely tight control on wildfires, warfare and the fuel and explosives use in these. On the other hand, it has to focus on acceleration and promotion of its out flow to Troposphere. Out of the three natural processes of Global Environment Temperature Control already in action; the Global Ice sublimation, Oceans heat absorption and water evaporation and precipitation cycle (WEPC), the first two are neither favorable as they do not remove heat from the earth Globe, nor are accessible for any mankind role [5], are only the naturally operated emergency safety valves. The mankind managed WEPC is most suitable as it reduces the temperature through dissipation of undesirable accumulated Global Heat and has wide opportunity for mankind role with its most suitable and beneficial side effect and byproducts, like control of all terrible heat, temperature, pollution, GHG and soot dragons along with huge promotion of agriculture, aquaculture and dairy products [19]. All these are the global dire need of the time. This is through water availability management through Dams and irrigation system and water surface extension through irrigation and irrigated area developments in Pakistan.


Author is highly thankful to all who helped in preparation of this paper including the authors of the papers which provided the information forming bases for this and also to all those who keenly go through it and alert the world leaders of the criticality described and recommendations.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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